Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday Update 6/6/10

Hey everybody.  Today marks the first Sunday of my blog.  My plan for Sundays is not to provide much in the way of content, but instead offer a preview of what to expect for the week ahead.  This will give you time to see movies if you choose to get prepared for reviews, musings, etc.  This is strictly optional, and sometimes I won't tell you exactly what movies are coming up.  The reason I'm doing this is because I have received a lot of input as to what I should write about.  I write down everything you tell me, and file it under ideas for upcoming posts.  The problem is that I can't get to it all at once.  So if I tell you what I'm doing, you won't ask me to do something that I'm already doing.  That being said, keep the suggestions coming!  I really like having your opinions and ideas.  I will try to get to everything that you ask me to write about, but it takes time.

In other news, you may have noticed that there are now ads on my blog.  It wouldn't hurt if you clicked on them every once in a while.  Also, if you are the type that downloads or rents movies from iTunes, there is now a link from my blog straight to the iTunes movie store.  If you could use that link when you buy or rent movies, that would also be much appreciated.  Again, don't feel any obligation to do so.  But it would be nice.  If you prefer using to buy or rent digital videos, let me know and I will provide the appropriate links.

So I have decided that this upcoming week will be Trilogy Week.  I will be reviewing five trilogies over the course of the week.  On Monday, I will be explaining my ranking system and reviewing the first two trilogies.  On Wednesday, I will be reviewing the second two trilogies.  And on Friday, I will review the final trilogy.

Counting by threes,

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