Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Some Stuff You Should Probably Know About Me

Hello all, and welcome to my blog. Thanks for stopping by. My name is Harry, and I like movies. I like them a lot. In this blog I will be talking about movies quite a bit, giving reviews, musings, and other random comments I feel are worth sharing. Whenever I talk about a movie, I will try to let you know whether or not I am assuming you have seen it. If I screw up on that, my bad. Also, I sometimes say "movie," sometimes "film". To me, it doesn't make a difference.
Ok, on to the real stuff. First thing you should know about me: I watch a lot of movies. There's actually three parts to that statement. Let me explain. Part 1: I watch a lot of bad movies. That's right. I watch bad movies. Some ones I know will be bad, some ones that surprise me by being bad, and some that I'm hoping won't be but turn out to be bad anyways. Part 2: I also watch a lot of good movies. Sometimes I do this by accident. Sometimes I don't. Part 3: I watch anything in between. The point that I'm trying to make here is that I will watch pretty much anything. I try my hardest not to be an elitist, looking down my nose at movies that I assume won't be good based on title, actors, director, or whatever. If somebody put the time in to make it, I'll watch it.
Second thing you should know about me: I watch movies multiple times, and not just the good ones. Sometimes I'll watch a crappy movie because I know that I'll be able to laugh at it. Sometimes I'm just in the mood for bad dialog and worse special effects. Which brings me to the third thing you should know about me: What I watch and don't watch is highly dependent on my mood. I am almost always in the mood for a movie of some kind, but the genre that I want at any given moment is highly variable.
Fourth thing: I don't walk out of movies in theaters. I do at home. I don't know why this is, but I have sat through some really bad movies in theaters, ones that I just couldn't stand. But at home, if I don't like it, I'm out of there. I don't always feel the need to finish a movie that I have started, even if it means missing the twist ending that everyone tells me will rock my world. If the movie is not enjoyable for me at the time, I just won't watch it. Doesn't mean I won't watch it later. Remember, I only watch things that are enjoyable at the time. This rule does not apply in theaters. I try to be as courteous as possible to other moviegoers, so when I'm in the theater, I sit still and shut my mouth. Most of the time.
Ok, you've probably had enough of me rambling at this point, plus I'm tired. For my next post, I'm planning on talking about Avatar and Star Trek. (That's the JJ Abrams one I'm talking about.) I'll give you the trailers, just in case you've been living under a rock and don't know what either of these films are.

That's all for now.


  1. Love this Harry! Keep it going. Would you mind if I made one criticism? I'm assuming you said no, or whatever. My biggest (or almost biggest) pet peeve is people using the word "anyways". The main reason for this? It's not a word! Sorry. Now you know how my kids and their friends feel. I don't let anyone get away with it in my presence.
    By the way: I haven't seen the Avatar or Star Trek movies either.

  2. Hi Harry

    It's great that you started the blog. You have lots of witty and insightful comments. I am finding it quite entertaining to read
    I'm sure that this will make watching movies even more fun for you. Keep it coming.
    On another note the Flyers have come roaring back!

    Uncle Jonathan


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hey, Harry, congratulations on doing something that doesn't happen very often: starting a blog that is actually worth reading. I'm a film lover, too, and I think we have something in common. I also watch bad movies, good movies, and movies in between, sometimes knowingly and sometimes not. There are som many great films out there that I wonder whether you've seen. Don't forget to look back further than the 1960s!. Want to see one of the 10 greatest comedies ever made? Well, you're just going to have to watch a black-and-white film called "Sullivan's Travels" from 1941 (directed by Preston Sturges). I could go on and on, but I'll save my energy for reading your posts! (By the way, you don't know me, but I know your dad.)

  6. I love watching bad movies too! Have you seen "The Room"? Worst. movie. ever. BUT it's so bad that it's good. So much comedy and awful acting, dialogue, etc. It's pretty hard to see the actual movie, but there are tons of clips of it on the internet. If I were you, I'd check out the trailer, hi.lar.ious.

  7. Graphic novel movie: What did you think of Ghostworld or, though not technically filmed from graphic novel, American Splendor. I thought both captured the stylized tone of comic books, and both were great.
    And you don't think Home Alone was a good xmas movie?
