Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunday Update 6/13/10

Hey everybody.  Just a quick update today.  First, I wanted to thank everyone for their comments on Trilogy Week.  It's great to know what you're thinking.  You can look forward to another video mailbag covering the comments in more detail later this week.

This week I'll be looking at movies based on graphic novels.  I'll be focusing on graphic novels by Alan Moore and Frank Miller.  If you're looking to get a head start on the movies, check out Watchmen, Sin City, and V for Vendetta.  There may be a couple of others as well.

Also, this week I'm having a six-movie marathon with two of my best friends.  It's a tradition that's been going on for seven years, to celebrate our birthdays.  (We're all born within ten days of each other.)  We call it the Movie Film Festival.  I may provide a recap of that later in the week as well.

Until next time,


  1. This blog is great! As a movie novice, I'm getting such a great to-watch list. Thanks so much!!


    PS- I thought Watchmen was such a great movie!, especially the opening sequence!

  2. How did the movie marathon go? what did ya watch?

  3. I'm definitely looking forward to hearing what you think about the graphic novel films--it's a medium that exists right between books and movies, so it always seems kind of high-risk, high-reward to translate it into a movie...but I love it all.

  4. Keep up the good work! I am really enjoying reading your blog, particularly the section on trilogies. I think a really cool idea for a future column (in addition to the movie reviews) would be to write on a few movies that you really like that the rest of us may not be familiar with; we share a very similar taste in movies so I suggest it with completely selfish motives in mind!

    - Dave Talbot

  5. Could you do a ridiculous action movie post? I was just discussing Taken and the latest Rambo and Die Hard movies when I was reminded I had never seen Shoot Em Up. I bet you have some more suggestions =)

  6. Hey man, where you been? I've been hoping to hear about that marathon...
