Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunday Update 8/22/10

Hey everybody.  I am sure you would not be surprised if I told you that I spend a significant amount of time on youtube, perusing the many wonders of internet video.  The other day, as I was exploring the vast series of tubes that is the world wide web, I stumbled across a video that brought me back to the days of my youth.  It bounced around my head for a while until I realized that it was actually something worth writing about.  I’ll get to exactly what that video was later.  But I’ll give you a hint:  It relates to video games.

“Whoa,” you say.  “Harry, I don’t play video games.  I thought this blog was about movies.”  And you’d be right.  This blog is about movies.  But it’s also about things that show up on my tv and computer screen which I find entertaining.

Don’t worry.  It doesn’t matter whether you’ve never played a video game or are a level 70 guild leading paladin.  I’m not here to talk about the games.  I’m here to talk about games as they relate to cinema.  So this week I’ll be looking at the ten best video game trailers.  These are scenes that are cinematic in nature, designed to highlight the best parts of the game.  They are usually epic, sometimes sad, and often enjoyable.  I’ll be counting down by twos from Monday to Friday.  I will include links to the trailers.  There will only be two per day, so I hope you can spare the time to watch them, so my comments will make more sense.  Stay tuned!

Until next time,


  1. Can't wait! I look forward to learning more about video games.

  2. Dude, level caps at 80! Play more WoW. Actually, don't, that shit is bad for you.
