Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Change In The Winds / Now For Something Completely Different

Ahoy tharr mateys!  ‘Tis a foul weather a’brewin’ above the fine waters of the interwebs.
(Hey everybody!  There’s bad news on the horizon for the internet.)

The good-for-naught East India Company has grown in dastardly power, and seeks to rid these fair isles of righteous freebooters, like me’self.
(The district court of New York has taken a major step in their efforts to destroy internet pirates, of which I am one.)

‘Afore ye be runnin out yer cannons, I hope you’ll allow me to speak a bit of “legal gibberish.”
(Before you jump down my throat, here’s a quick disclaimer.)

I’m all for sticking to the pirate’s code, but shall we say I’ve never actually read through the ancient ledger.
(I’m no lawyer.)

I just be a humble pirate.  You won’t find me runnin’ up the Jolly Roger against the might of the imperial fleet.
(I’m just a regular guy, with regular opinions.  This isn’t a call to arms.)

Now that the wind’s at me back, I’m headed off in search of adventure.
(Here we go.)

A mere day ago, the magistrate Kimba Wood sent the decree that the pirate haven known as Limewire was to close its ports immediately.
(Yesterday, judge Kimba Wood ordered filesharing service Limewire to cease its operations.)

Limewire be the finest of locales for honest pirates to exchange their loot.
(Limewire is one of the best filesharing services around.)

But it sends a chill through me bones knowing that this precious isle be soon fall victim to the same ungodly fate as the most populace port of call before it, the isle of Napster.
(But I’m worried that Limewire is going the way of Napster.)

And this news has your humble servant not only caught with his cannons stowed, but also in need of a port to call home.
(This not only caught me by surprise, but also forces me to find a new filesharing site.)

The Crown claims that my honest buccaneering interferes with the riches of the princesses of the court, but I say, hang ‘em, they be the real pirates in these waters, robbing the laborers of their hard earned doubloons with their unfair taxes.
(The record labels say that my internet piracy detracts from the wealth of people like Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, and 50 Cent, but I say that they are the ones ripping off the public with their awful music.)

The parrot perched on me shoulder squawks, “If I catch a glimpse of another royal mansion, I might fire a broadside.”  And me parrot always tells the truth.
(I heard someone say, “If I see another episode of MTV Cribs, I might punch the nearest wall.”  I wholeheartedly agree.)

If ye be a true buccaneer, I’d advise ye to turn to the new pirate haven of Frostwire, the next port of call for us corsairs.
(If you’re a pirate like me, check out frostwire.)

Until I see your sails on the horizon,
(Until next time,

It nearly slipped me mind: I’d owe ye a debt of gratitude if you ran up your true colors below.
(P.S.  I’d really appreciate it if you told me your opinion on this issue.)


  1. this is your best post yet!! i laughed all the way through (and i learned a lot too). thanks for keeping me informed.

  2. loved it! i'll have to check out frostwire...

  3. Shiv'r me timbers! Me no thinks ye mutter the shipmate so dastardly gud.
    (Wow! I didn't think you could do an entire post in pirate talk.)

  4. ahahh Harry you are so funny!! Thank you for making my day! I agree the record labels can dealll with it!

  5. excellent post! You give Jack Sparrow a run for his money

  6. this is soo funny. had no idea this was happening.

  7. Yoho Matey ,
    Finally got a chance to catch up on your latest blogs. Blimey! What a treat! as you know I'm not too up to date with the TV world as I rarely turn mine on (except for the grand slam tennis events). Never the less your incredibly impressive writing, your keen yet spicy point of view, and your overall distinct and colorful style is plain and simple, fantastic entertainment ! Who needs TV when I can get a good dose of the latest and greatest right here.
    keep em comin' Bucko!

  8. Hey Harry

    Great post! I agree with you in practice concerning big artists, but what about less famous (and rich) artists that actually make quality music? I'm a pirate, but I'm not sure I have a moral justification for it (except for the fact that there's no a priori moral reason that recorded music should cost money).


    PS Torrents are the way of the future!

  9. Ahoy Matey!

    I think you win the award for most cleverly-delivered newsflash! This is hilarious and quite smart! Did you know that, on Facebook, you can change your language to "Pirate"? At least, you could about four years ago -- not sure if that option still exists.

    Did you see The Social Network? I'd be interested to hear your take on the movie in general, but I'm bringing it up because the film features Justin Timberlake as Sean Parker, the founder of Napster (ironic, no?). They provide some interesting commentary on the music industry.

