Saturday, June 16, 2012

It's Been A While...

Hey everybody!  I’m back.  Just thought I’d let you know.  Yes, it’s been a while, and I’m sorry.  I’ll be honest, I thought that I had put this blog in my rearview, but sometimes, you see something that just screams, “Write about me!” and I find myself drawn back.  So here I am, back in the saddle again.

As some of you may know, and others have probably guessed, I am a big video game player.  A while ago, I posted about the ten best video game trailers of all time.  (You can find the finale here.)  Well, with E3 done for the year, I figured it was time to update the list.  For those of you who don’t know what E3 is, it is basically a convention of video game industry leaders to promote their new games and technology for the upcoming year.  If interested, you can find more about it here.

So I decided to add five new games to my list.  I’m not exactly sure where they rank, so I’ll just give them to you in no particular order.  Some games will get two trailers, if I decide that they are sufficiently epic.  One thing thing that I found interesting is that every one of the games in question are sequels.  That’s pretty cool I guess.  So here we go.

The first is the Prototype 2 trailer.  Check it out.

Why this one?  Well, let’s start with the obvious.  The song, Hurt, by Johnny Cash, is a classic, and fits absolutely perfect with the mood of the trailer.  But what makes the trailer tick is the opening shot.  Seeing the main character, Mercer, standing on a ledge, looking out over a ruined city is an image that is sad, scary, and memorable.  As he leans forward and begins his descent, my interest was immediately piqued, and as he falls and we see flashbacks of his life and love, the drama builds.  Even though it is just a minute and half, I could not help but become attached to the man, and as we see his powers at the end of the trailer, it becomes clear that this a game not just about action, but about humanity, and the lack thereof the drives the story.

Next up is Skyrim.  Skyrim has two trailers that make the cut.  Here they are.

The first seems like it could be taken straight from Lord of the Rings, or Game of Thrones, or something along those lines.  As Dovahkiin steps forward, and the dragon reveals itself, it’s hard not to get goosebumps.  Let’s face it, there isn’t much that more badass than a dragon, except maybe the dude standing in front of it, ready to face its fire.
The second trailer is narrated by the wonderful actor Max Von Sydow, who is a perfect selection for that role.  Again the trailer shows of the game’s magnificent dragons, and the spectacular nature of the main character, Dovahkiin.  The first time I saw this trailer, heard the Fus Ro Dah shout, and saw the beauty of the game, I was blown away.  (Side note: Skyrim was released the same day that the final Harry Potter movie came out on DVD/Blu-Ray.  That was a fun day to be on facebook.)

Ok moving on.  Up next: Mass Effect 3.  Check it out.

Wow.  Let’s start with the kid at the beginning.  There isn’t much that can get you into a trailer than a cute child playing with a model of the Normandy and chasing butterflies.  As the peaceful scene transforms into one of utter destruction, and the model Normandy is picked up by a solemn Commander Shepard, who looks like he’s ready to kick all kinds of ass, I found myself thinking, “Damn Shep, you better get this done for the kids.  Seriously.”  As the war scenes begin in earnest, and the music reaches a climactic crescendo, I realized that I was watching what could very well have been an alien invasion movie that would have Spielberg’s jaw on the floor.  And that, my friends, is a sign of success.

The next one is short and sweet.  Also, it just so happens to be for a game that I’ve been waiting years to play.  That game is Diablo 3, and I can say now that I have played it, I was not disappointed.

What we have here is essentially thirty seconds of demons, angels, heroes, explosions and war.  What more could you ask for?  Let’s face facts, there isn’t much that’s cooler than watching the forces of heaven and hell clash for the fate of the world.  Evil may be back, but there is still good to be found.  And you can find it in that trailer.

Finally, Halo 4.  This one gets two trailers.  One from E3 2011, and one from 2012.  They are equally awesome.  If you followed the blog during the last adventure through video game trailers, you know that I love the way that Halo promotes their games.  And let me tell you, they do not disappoint here.

Where to begin with this one?  The first trailer shows John 117 waking from his space slumber to find himself in a half destroyed starship being dragged toward what one can only assume is an enemy that is probably geared toward destruction of humanity, as most of these things usually are.  This trailer raises the question: If Chief had a jetpack all along, why didn’t he use it before?  Probably would have helped.  Oh well.  It also demonstrates that the Spartan soldier is ready for battle pretty much from the second he wakes up.  I wish I could get out of bed in the time it takes him to blast his way through the wreckage of the ship and stare with stoic poise at the enemy whose ass he is about to kick.  Oh well.
The second trailer really ups the ante, as live actors are thrown into the mix.  They may have built the Infinity for peace, but as the ships gets ripped toward an unknown enemy, (assumedly the one who Chief was facing,) we can all guess what’s about to go down.  The end of the trailer, when Cortana goes apeshit, really pushes it over the top.  So much badassery is about to ensue, I don’t think I can deal with it.

That’s all for now folks, I hope you enjoyed it.

The answers you seek lie within.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sunday, December 12, 2010

People You Should Know

Hey everybody!  I had a thought the other day, and I decided it would be a good idea to share it with you.  Before I do, I just wanted to remind everyone that my Pre New Year’s Resolution Video Blog is well underway, and you should check it out at

Ok, so here’s what I was thinking.  There are certain actors who, when their name is mentioned, I immediately say, “Oh, that person is ‘the man’ (or woman).”  Why is that?  What have they done to earn that title?  Usually, I say that a person is “the man” because of a movie, or set of movies, that they have appeared in where I greatly enjoyed their performance.  Or it can be that I particularly like their attitude off set.  For example, Viggo Mortensen (my favorite actor,) gave the best Daily Show interview that I have ever seen an actor give, thereby making him “the man.”  (Although, he was already the man at the time of that interview, for other reasons.)

Of course, when I mention Viggo in conversation, most people know who I’m talking about, and readily agree that he is most certainly “the man.”  But there are those who, when mentioned in a discussion of actors, most people will respond by saying, “Who the heck is that?” but are still, without question, “the man.”  So I have decided to present my list of The People You Should Know, and why they are “the man” or “the woman.”

1.  The Stud - Cam Gigandet
I know.  He has yet to appear in a good movie.  And yes, he is almost always cast as “the young handsome badass.”  And that’s totally ok, because he is a young handsome badass.  For starters, the guy knows Krav Maga.  (If you don’t know what that is, take a minute to look it up.  In fact, I’ve looked it up for you.  You’re welcome.)  As if that wasn’t awesome enough, let me present you with this little factoid:  He’s read Twilight.  And appeared in the movie.  Whoa.  Also, if you’re looking for a cheesy, montage-filled, high-school martial arts movie, look no further than Never Back Down, where he fills his typical role as the shirtless bad guy.  If after that you’re not convinced of his total badass-ery, you need to redefine your “the man” scale.  Here’s another fun fact:  Never Back Down holds my record for most consecutive days with a complete viewing, at seven.  In summation, Cam is “the man.”

2.  The Beauty - Nora Zehetner
The only female to appear on this list.  Incidentally, she ranks number one on my “Girl Next Door Scale.”  Not Emma Watson, who somehow makes everybody else’s list.  Why does she belong on this list?  One word: Brick.  Brick, in addition to jump-starting Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s career, is a perfect showcase of Nora’s beauty and acting talent.  As an added bonus, she had one of the coolest powers on season one of Heroes.  Spoiler Alert: I was real upset when she died.  I used to think that Julia Stiles was the most attractive woman to appear in a movie that also starred Mr. Gordon-Levitt, (Ten Things I Hate About You,) but I was wrong.  In Brick, Nora completely owns every scene and every shot that she appears in.  Despite her obvious attractiveness, she is “the woman” because of her on-screen talent.  She is a fine actress with a bright future, and brighter eyes.

3.  The Brooding One - Ashton Holmes
As I already mentioned, Viggo Mortensen is my favorite actor.  There is only one actor that I have seen that has appeared in the same scene as Viggo, and outperformed him.  That actor is Ashton Holmes.  (Not Ed Harris.)  In A History Of Violence, Ashton plays the role of the troubled son to perfection.  He delivers one of my all-time favorite lines in one incredible scene in that movie.  (“In this family, we shoot them.”  Taken out of context, it makes no sense.  You have to see it to understand.  Which you should do.)  In the HBO series The Pacific, he again plays a dark and troubled character, a young man who’s innocence gets corrupted by the horror’s of war.  (Just like everyone else in that series.)  Although his body of work is not extensive, I have yet to see him give anything other than a superb performance, making him “the man.”

4.  The Brit - Tom Hardy
People are starting to take note of Tom Hardy, so he’s not as “under the radar” as the rest of the people on this list, but I would still say that the average movie-goer does not know who he is, so he gets a place on this list.  Tom is a what I like to refer to as a “physical actor.”  Other examples of physical actors include Ben Kingsley and Christian Bale.  What I mean is that he throws his body into his role.  For the movie Bronson, he puts on a ton of muscle, transforming himself from the lean, homosexual “Handsome Bob” in Rock’n’Rolla to the big, violent Charlie Bronson, Britain’s most violent prisoner.  He recently appeared in Inception as Eames, the smooth-talking British forger, wherein he totally dominates every one of his shots.  As a matter of fact, despite the monster star power of that movie, I believe that he outperforms DiCaprio, Gordon-Levitt, Page, and Murphy.  He is truly a stellar actor, who’s star is rapidly on the rise.

5.  The Best Actor You’ve Never Heard Of - Mads Mikkelsen
I’d like to start of by saying that I used to be under the impression that Daniel Craig, in addition to being the best actor, was also the most handsome man in Casino Royale.  I was wrong on both accounts.  Mads is.  The problem is that he plays a Bond Villain, which automatically detracts from the credibility of the role.  But after taking a view of Valhalla Rising (my current favorite movie,) and Flame and Citron, it’s hard to argue that Mads has the most expressive face I have ever seen.  Why do I say this?  Because in those two movies, he doesn’t say a single word in English.  That’s right.  And yet, I was able to completely understand every facet of his character, just by looking at his face (and in the case of Valhalla Rising, his body).  By the way, both of those films are available on Netflix streaming, so if you have that service, I cannot recommend them highly enough.  Just make sure you don’t let any young ones see Valhalla Rising.  It will scar them for life.  When I say he is the best actor you’ve never heard of, I mean it.  He ranks number two on my overall list, (after Viggo,) and is certainly the best one whose name I mention and nobody knows who I’m talking about.  Fun fact:  They’re both Danish.  Go figure.

Well, that concludes my exploration of The Men and Women you should know, but probably don’t.  I hope you enjoyed it.  And keep your eye out for these actors, as they are always worth watching.

Until next time,

P.S.  Who is your favorite actor/actress, and does anybody else know who they are?  Sound off below.

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Vlog Continues, Plus the Re-Review

Hey everybody,
Just wanted to let you know that if you want to catch all of the excitement of my video blog, head on over to my youtube channel located at

And as promised, here's my re-review of Avatar.

It is hard to fill a cup that is already full.  These are the words that Jake Sully hears upon entering the Omaticaya village.  And usually, it applies to me.  You see, my cup is almost always full of opinions.  Strong opinions.  Opinions that will not waver or falter.  However, for my pre-New Year’s resolution, I have decided to empty the cup, and return with an open mind to things that I already have developed strong opinions on.

One of my very first posts was a comparison of Avatar and Star Trek.  If you’d like, here’s a link.  Here’s the recap: I’d rather watch Star Trek.

Anyway, for the first step in my resolution, I rewatched both movies.  Guess what.  I liked Avatar more.  And I know why.

Going into both movies, I tried to empty my mind of any prior knowledge of either movie.  I didn’t think about the monetary and critical successes of either movie, the Oscar nominations of Avatar, or the number of cult followers that had grown for Star Trek.  What was left was a pure cinematic experience, just me and the movie, the way it should be.

And you know what happened?  Two things.

First, I had more fun with both movies than I had before at any prior viewing.  “Wow,” I said to myself.  “Harry, this is the way to see movies.  Forget all of the news and hype surrounding the film.  Just watch it.”  So I made a promise to myself to at least try to view all movies this way.  I’m pretty sure it will be more rewarding, and while I still won’t like everything I see, my movie-watching experience will be far more unadulterated, for lack of a better word.

Second, I came to the realization that Avatar is one kick-ass action movie.  I mean seriously kick-ass.  But more importantly, I was able to look past to admittedly poor acting of Sam Worthington and appreciate the incredible supporting performances of Stephen Lang, Sigourney Weaver, and Giovany Ribisi.  Also, I took all of these things in without the help of IMAX 3D.  Which means that James Cameron put together a truly solid movie, and wasn’t purely relying on the shock and awe of special effects to win over the audience.

Don’t get me wrong.  Star Trek is also a kick-ass action movie.  But this most recent viewing made me realize that nothing, and I mean nothing, can truly hold a candle to the action and visual assault and Cameron delivers.

The take-home message for me is that I should not judge things based on my first reaction, let alone pre-formed opinions.  Taking the time to take in the whole experience really helped me to have a better appreciation for things that I just assumed were bad because they did not live up to the hype.  Watching with no expectations let me decide for myself whether or not I enjoyed the film.  And now I know that Avatar is nothing if not an enjoyable movie.

Until next time,

Saturday, December 4, 2010

It's The Return Of The...

Video Post!

I'm creating a vlog to follow my pre-new year's resolution challenge!  Check it out!

Until next time,

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It's Never Too Early

Hey everybody!  I’m back from my hiatus, and hopefully better than ever.  I just wanted to give you a brief overview of what’s going to be in the works for the next month or so.

With Thanksgiving in the rearview mirror, it’s safe to say that the holiday season is upon us.  Which also means that it’s time to start thinking about New Year’s resolutions.  And this year, I think I’ve come up with a winner.  It goes something like this:

Part 1: Give things second chances.
Part 2: Look for the good in all things.

Let me explain.  As you are no doubt aware, I am a very opinionated guy.  When I feel strongly for one side of an argument, I stick to it.  If I think something is good, then I will defend it tooth and nail.  If I think something is bad, I do everything in my power to prove that to others.

So this year, I’m going to try to open my mind, and try to find redeeming qualities in things that I previously saw as all bad.  That’s not saying that I’m going to love everything I see, it just means that I’m going to try to be a little more open-minded, and not so rigid on my opinions.

I’ve decided that I’m going to get a head start on this resolution, so I’m going to begin before the New Year comes.  Here’s the plan: I’m going to pick three things that I have been known to dislike strongly, and give them all a second chance.  That does not mean that I will necessarily like them the second time around, but I will try to find what good parts there are in an attempt to reduce the black-and-white aspect of my opinions.  The three things are:

1.  Avatar
2.  Harry Potter
3.  Shakespeare

What does this mean?  It means that I’m going to re-watch/read these three things, and look for the good in them.  I may not fall in love with any of them, but I least I will be able to say that I gave them a second shot.

So, as I go through the month re-exploring old non-favorites, I’ll keep you up to date on how my journey of self rediscovery goes.

Until next time,

P.S.  Have you starting thinking about your New Year’s resolution?  Post it here!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Change In The Winds / Now For Something Completely Different

Ahoy tharr mateys!  ‘Tis a foul weather a’brewin’ above the fine waters of the interwebs.
(Hey everybody!  There’s bad news on the horizon for the internet.)

The good-for-naught East India Company has grown in dastardly power, and seeks to rid these fair isles of righteous freebooters, like me’self.
(The district court of New York has taken a major step in their efforts to destroy internet pirates, of which I am one.)

‘Afore ye be runnin out yer cannons, I hope you’ll allow me to speak a bit of “legal gibberish.”
(Before you jump down my throat, here’s a quick disclaimer.)

I’m all for sticking to the pirate’s code, but shall we say I’ve never actually read through the ancient ledger.
(I’m no lawyer.)

I just be a humble pirate.  You won’t find me runnin’ up the Jolly Roger against the might of the imperial fleet.
(I’m just a regular guy, with regular opinions.  This isn’t a call to arms.)

Now that the wind’s at me back, I’m headed off in search of adventure.
(Here we go.)

A mere day ago, the magistrate Kimba Wood sent the decree that the pirate haven known as Limewire was to close its ports immediately.
(Yesterday, judge Kimba Wood ordered filesharing service Limewire to cease its operations.)

Limewire be the finest of locales for honest pirates to exchange their loot.
(Limewire is one of the best filesharing services around.)

But it sends a chill through me bones knowing that this precious isle be soon fall victim to the same ungodly fate as the most populace port of call before it, the isle of Napster.
(But I’m worried that Limewire is going the way of Napster.)

And this news has your humble servant not only caught with his cannons stowed, but also in need of a port to call home.
(This not only caught me by surprise, but also forces me to find a new filesharing site.)

The Crown claims that my honest buccaneering interferes with the riches of the princesses of the court, but I say, hang ‘em, they be the real pirates in these waters, robbing the laborers of their hard earned doubloons with their unfair taxes.
(The record labels say that my internet piracy detracts from the wealth of people like Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, and 50 Cent, but I say that they are the ones ripping off the public with their awful music.)

The parrot perched on me shoulder squawks, “If I catch a glimpse of another royal mansion, I might fire a broadside.”  And me parrot always tells the truth.
(I heard someone say, “If I see another episode of MTV Cribs, I might punch the nearest wall.”  I wholeheartedly agree.)

If ye be a true buccaneer, I’d advise ye to turn to the new pirate haven of Frostwire, the next port of call for us corsairs.
(If you’re a pirate like me, check out frostwire.)

Until I see your sails on the horizon,
(Until next time,

It nearly slipped me mind: I’d owe ye a debt of gratitude if you ran up your true colors below.
(P.S.  I’d really appreciate it if you told me your opinion on this issue.)